Specialised Rehabilitation Unit (SRU)
Bloomfield Hospital, as part of this specialist and innovative approach, provides one such SRU in conjunction with the HSE. We provide our residents a space and the supports they need to facilitate their personal recovery.

Our care sets us apart
The Health Service Executive (HSE) mental health services recognises the challenges of service users with complex needs remaining in acute units for long periods. That’s why a national model of care was developed to designate a specialised rehabilitation care pathway for people with severe and enduring mental illness and complex needs. This is a relatively new and innovative model of care in mental health service. A significant component of this specialised rehabilitation care pathway is the provision of a specialist rehabilitation unit (SRU).
As part of this specialist and innovative approach, Bloomfield Hospital provides an SRU in conjunction with the HSE. We provide those who require a specialised rehabilitation placement with a safe space to receive the support they need to facilitate their personal recovery.

How We Help
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Referral Process
All SRU referrals must be made to the National SRU Referral Committee using the standardised SRU Referral Form:
The process for referral to the National SRUs is clearly outlined in The Guidelines for the Management of National Specialised Rehabilitation Placements