Huntington’s Disease
Huntington’s disease (HD) is a rare hereditary degenerative disorder that affects movement, speech, mood, behaviour, cognition, and more. There is currently no cure for Huntington’s disease, with the focus of treatment being alleviating symptoms and improving quality of life.
The effects of HD are wide-ranging and change how people think, feel, speak, move, swallow, and eat. These are broadly grouped into three key elements of change: cognitive, emotional, and physical. We provide tailored treatment for people with HD focusing on these three core components. Bloomfield Hospital provides the high level of specialised care required for people with Huntington’s disease. Alongside patient care, we also offer much-needed family support. The multidisciplinary team (MDT) uses a range of treatment programmes adapted to the needs of each individual patient, providing structure and routine but also recognising that these approaches need to be adaptive to meet the changing needs of patients as the disease progresses.

Our Services Include
- In-patient service for adults aged 18+ at any stage of HD
- Admission for full and comprehensive time-limited assessments
- Highly specialised HD professionals who form ward-based MDTs
- Specialist input including dieticians, general practice, and podiatry
- The ability to manage complex and challenging behaviour
- Therapies and activities to enhance patient quality of life
- A pleasant, landscaped campus
Further Reading
🔗 Minding your Mental Wellbeing while Living with HD »
🔗 What is Huntington’s Disease? A Guide for Young People (HDAI) »
🔗 Understanding Behaviour in Huntington’s Disease (HDAI) »
🔗 Facing Huntington’s Disease – A Handbook for Families and Friends (HDAI) »
🔗 Caregivers Handbook for Advanced Stage Huntington’s Disease (HDAI) »